Ecological transition of associations with TEDDA
On 20 and 21 October 2022, the 2nd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project TEDDA (Ecological Transition and Sustainable Development of Associations), of which POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS is a partner, took place in Barcelona.
The TEDDA partners travelled by train to Barcelona in order to limit the carbon footprint of the travel: 8.5 hours by train, 2kg of CO2 per person, i.e. about 60 times less than by plane (according to https://impactco2.fr/transport). In Barcelona, the partners were able to take stock of the partnership, the progress of the first tools to be released in 2023, and the launch of the White Paper.
It was also the occasion to organise the first public event to start to make the resources known to Spanish associations. The Fabrica del Sol, where the event was held, is a flagship venue in Barcelona in terms of ecological transition. The participants, very enthusiastic about the project, were able to read the first inspiring portraits, and above all to experience the Transitions Frieze and the Carbon Footprint Game. They were also able to suggest improvements and new ideas!
The results will also be presented soon in France, during the "Forum des outils pour la transition" (Tools for Transition Forum) of the Lille-based "Maison Régionale de l'Environnement et des Solidarités" MRES (Regional House of the Environment and Solidarity) on 16 November in Amiens and 7 December 2022 in Lille; and in February 2023 at an event in Tourcoing.
Follow the #TeddaProjet on social networks and on the website https://www.tedda.eu/en/.